Member-only story
Knowledge Under Pressure
On Clinical Operations and Thinking Faster
Field notes on what we’ve been taking in, and what we are thinking about at The Emergency Mind Project.
If you have ideas or things you’d like to see — or if you want to help and get more involved — I’d love to hear from you:
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Episode 59: Dr. Brian Yun on Clinical Operations and Building Strong Culture
Emergency Physician Dr. Brian Yun, MD, MBA, MPH, on designing strong culture from the ground up and preparing systems to handle a crisis. Really interesting conversation about (1) integrating into an existing culture and (2) steering that culture into the future as Dr. Yun describes taking over the operations helm at the Boston Medical Center Emergency Department.
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Great piece from the Farnam Street folks centered on the assumption that we can neither speed up or slow down our rate of thinking. Setting aside for a moment whether or not this is true, there’s some really interesting ideas in this article about the intersection of pressure and high-quality decision making. A preview of the punchline: if you can’t think faster, thinking better requires pre-investment in smarter…